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Valerian 1600 Mg Lamberts Lamberts
  • Valerian 1600 Mg Lamberts Lamberts

Valerian 1600 Mg Lamberts


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Supplement with a relaxing and mild sedative action is indicated for situations of insomnia, anxiety, stress and anguish; migraines and headaches; tachycardia, intestinal spasms, stomach pains; dysmenorrhea and premenstrual pain; gastritis, cramps and irritable bowel

How to use: Take 2 capsules a day, preferably with meals.


Free of: Gluten, soy, eggs, milk and dairy products, tree nuts, sulfites, celery, fish, shellfish and yeast.

Nutrition facts / package
Information by 1 Comp
Valerian Root Extract (Valeriana officinalis) 1600 mg / **